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So you met someone new and your wondering...

Well that all depends on you, and the vibe that you’re having with the other person. When starting a new romance you should take some time to talk, and get to know each other on a mental level before you bring sex into the picture. Holding out sometimes can be frustrating especially if you are getting close with the person and you are highly attracted to them, but good things are worth the wait! So...What's the Rush?

There are plenty of things you can do romantically in the beginning of your relationship to feel the person out before you take it to the next level. The best way to keep it subtle is to stay in open spaces. Don’t spend alone time together for the first couple months if you are trying to take it slow. If you find yourself one on one with the person you may not be able to hold back, so instead do things that can build your relationship, and friendship in an open setting.

You and your potential partner can go out to events that you both enjoy such as, Poetry Readings, Sporting Events, and Carnivals. Try not to focus on the physical, but instead grow your understanding of the other person’s likes and dislikes. What makes them tick? What annoys them the most? These are all important questions you should be asking yourself in the beginning of your courtship. When you start to learn a persons moral values, and beliefs it makes it easier to see if you want to go further with them.

The best thing about building a friendship first is the romantic stimulation that comes along with the anticipation of the wait. Every night you are thinking about how it would be to have that person in your arms, and wondering how it would be to take it to the next level with them. All the thoughts and feelings in conjunction with your discipline build for a greater experience. When you take the time to get to know someone on a mental level it makes the Sex that much more Explosive because there are true Feelings, and Passion behind the Stimulation. You are connected on a Mental, and Physical level. So Holding Out can bring much more than A Greater Understanding, it can also bring a Higher Level of Sexual Gratification. 

So there’s no need to Rush! Holding Out Is a Good Thing!
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